Rest those god-like vocal pipes of yours Mr. Sam A. Mowry.
Know that you will be missed, never forgotten.

We all got the sad news on July 20th and you could already feel the void. I’ve always known Sam as a VO icon in Portland, even before I entered the biz in the late 90’s. Sam was almost always on my “recommended” talent list when I was presenting talent for local ad agencies and the dot-coms of the era.  So yeah, Sam was a very solid and consistent performer… a lesson I’d like to think I absorbed (but probably didn’t).
Eventually I got to know him better at the voiceover actor get-togethers where we’d all bitch about the poorly written copy and specs over a few drinks. Sam always felt like the approachable patriarch at the head of the table, relating to others’ tales, tell a few of his own, and crack a joke with an obscure reference that only Dennis Miller could understand. It was then I learned of his lengthy and storied history in theater and the performing arts in general.
Sam was impressive.
Two things from Sam I’ll never forget:
1. Make shit, don’t talk shit.
Not a direct quote, but I was spewing my spoiled, bratty, jealous rants over a group email. It was my usual “that ad sucked cause blah, blah, blah” routine, when Sam replied, “Well, show us what you’ve been working on.” That one comment stoped me in my tracks and made me reflect on my dumbass comments. I’ve been on a slow road to make my own shit ever since.
2. Know thy self.
When I moved back up to Portland in 2017 Sam helped save my VO career. He generously allowed me to use his VO booth for auditions and gigs while mine was being built. He even engineered the sessions and gave great direction. Just amazing. Then I started to build Rebeloop with Sam as one of the first talent I wanted to join. He did the first workout session, but at the end of the 3 hour run, he stood up, shook my hand, smiled, and said, “this was fun, but I’m afraid it’s not for me.” It was a bummer for minute but then I was blown away at his self-awareness to know when to step aside when things don’t click for whatever reason.
Eh, I booked his ass for a Rebeloop gig anyway, which he recorded from the hospital. So Sam is an honorary Rebelooper whether he likes it or not.
Sam was a positive force for many in Portland, crossing many boundaries both socially and artistically. But to me he’ll always be one of the founding pillars of Portland’s voiceover scene, who also couldn’t be any kinder.
Miss ya Sam, thanks for everything.
I’ll always owe ya one.
       -Mike Vaughn
Not sure who built this image, but hats off to them.