Meet Rebeloopers and DigOne IRL

Fuck. We lost a good one.
Oregon Incentives Apply
OPIF, iOPIF and rOPIF qualified projects qualify for rebates on Post Audio, including group ADR work. See Oregon Film for details.
Experienced Actors
Some of the best union and non-union actors in the region* who all continue to train in group ADR & Improv. (*some came from LA)
Authentically Pac NW
Rebeloop members live & breathe the Pacific NW. A natural fit for projects that take place in Oregon, Washington, & Idaho.
Low Budget Friendly
Let's take a look at your project and find the solution. Rebeloop has already helped a number of low budget shorts and features.
Flexible Sessions
For projects that have tough deadlines, and for those remote sessions crossing multiple time zones... well... we got you.
Added Immersiveness
There is no one-size-fits all approach. The first step is fitting into each & every scene, then taking it to the next level.

Mike made like hundreds of different types of vocal expressions. The audio from the group is very inspired. It was funny how we could hear Mike also directing the group. They are undoubtedly a very professional group of actors. I don't think I could have directed them as he has done.

Rebeloop helped add significant production value to the 3 films of mine they worked on. And I’ve already booked them for my upcoming feature narrative!